What is TAPI ‘Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India’ Pipeline ?
The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan- Pakistan-India (TAPI) pipeline is a proposed natural gas pipeline that would connect the gas fields of Turkmenistan with the energy-hungry markets of Pakistan and India. The project has been in the works for over two decades and is finally gaining traction with the support of the United States and other international partners.
The TAPI pipeline is expected to have a total length of 1,814 kilometers and will run through the war-torn regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The pipeline will begin in the Dauletabad gas field in Turkmenistan and pass through the Afghan cities of Herat and Kandahar before entering Pakistan. From there, it will continue on to the Indian city of Fazilka, located in the state of Punjab.
What is TAPI Pipeline ? |
The TAPI pipeline has been hailed as a game-changer for the energy security of the region. The pipeline will provide a stable source of natural gas for Pakistan and India, both of which are heavily dependent on fossil fuels. The pipeline is also expected to bring economic benefits to the countries it passes through, creating jobs and boosting local economies.
The TAPI pipeline has faced several challenges over the years, including security concerns in the war-torn regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan. However, the project has gained momentum in recent years with the support of the United States and other international partners. The U.S. government has provided financial and technical assistance to help secure the pipeline and has also helped to negotiate agreements between the countries involved.
In 2018, the TAPI pipeline project reached a major milestone when the construction of the pipeline began. The project is being financed by a consortium of international companies, including the Asian Development Bank and the Islamic Development Bank. The pipeline is expected to be completed by 2022 and will have the capacity to transport up to 33 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.
The TAPI pipeline is a symbol of cooperation and a sign of hope for a region that has been plagued by conflict for decades. The pipeline will not only bring economic benefits to the countries involved but will also serve as a catalyst for regional integration and stability. The TAPI pipeline is a win-win for all parties involved and is a shining example of how cooperation can lead to peace and prosperity in the region.
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