***********************पुरवा जलप्रपात के बारे में***************************
समय: 24 घंटे।
प्रवेश शुल्क: नि: शुल्क।
स्थान: बसमान मामा सेमरिया रोड, रीवा, मध्य प्रदेश के पास,
आवश्यक समय सुझाया गया: एक घंटा।
रीवा बस स्टैंड से दूरी: लगभग 33 KM।
*********** ***********About Purva Falls******** ****************
Falling from the height of 70 meters, the falling of the #Purva is an eye pain. Another classic example of #KnockPoint sure to get geography enthusiasts interested. Purva Fall also descends from Rewa Plateau and water is flowing through Tamsa or Tons river.
Time: 24 hours.
Entry fee : Free of cost.
Location: Basman Mama near Semariya Road, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh,
Needed time suggested: one hour.
Distance from Riva Bus Stand: Approximately 33 KM.
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